Parade - bring together uniformed personnel, standards, veterans and youth organisations to parade at the start of the event
Drum Head - hold a short service to commemorate and remember
VIPs - dignitaries will be invited to take part and a leading officer or civic dignitary will take the salute
Presentations - we will help facilitate any formal medal presentations, where we can.

Military Assets - we will always try to arrange for a presence from our armed forces
Education - have stands from the Armed Forces to inform an educate the public on what our forces do and to provide information on future careers
Entertainment - where possible, we will provide entertainment from the armed forces community
Family - the event will be family friendly and should be suitable for forces families.

Vintage vehicles - we will try to host a number of vintage vehicles for the parade and static display
Rides - we aim to have one of the major funfair companies for each event
Local - one of our aims is to be as local as possible and include as many local acts, singers, enetertainers as possible
For all - we need to make the event multi-generational with something for all age groups.

Locality - cadet and youth groups will be selected from the local area
Education - our aim is to try and bring an element of learning for young people
Entertainment - we will always try and include younger people in our entertainment choices
Presentations - we will help units with formal presentations, where possible.

We aim to be close to a town centre to assist local traders
The event location should be accessible to the general public with good public transport links
Our event will rotate locations to include as many people as possible
Our event must have local support.